Monday, November 9, 2015

Secret Project Revealed/Weekend Update

 These last two weeks were busy and lonely as my hubby was traveling for work.  I used my time for good not evil ;-)  When son Mike moved last year, he left behind a stack of tee shirts.  I saved them with the intention of making a quilt someday.  A good friend recently showed me her tee shirt quilt, and that got me started,

Here is the quilt I made for Mike.  He celebrated his birthday recently and we were able to deliver it to him on his special day.  I backed all the tee shirt fronts with fusible interfacing.  Then cut the squares with a rotary cutter and quilters square to size.  I changed my mind about the binding and the backing, doing the old switcharoo.  Using the blue to sash the blocks and the black/gold print for the backing. I was pleased with the finished product.  The machine quilting was done by my long arm quilter Maureen.  She makes everything turn out better..  I also included a couple of small squares on the backing, a small embroidered logo and a small bearded man (just like Mikey) from a tee shirt.
It was a great finishing touch.

 I made a couple of pillowcases with the left over fabric.

We went to Cleveland at the last minute due to Hubby's work responsibilities.  Talking to Penny that morning, she said she wanted to go and see Uncle Mikey too.  Kris worked out some things so they could join us. Wewerethisclose to having Jon and Charlotte also come, but Jon didn't have the time off.
It was a great trip, though with the days so short, sunset came early and we traveled in the dark.

It was all worth it to see this guy's smiling face.  He was really surprised and loved the quilt. (This time he knew we were coming.) I hope he'll use it in his studio and have all the great memories close to him as he relaxes or plays guitar.(I didn't realize that the small one had her little fingers all over my camera lens till after I took this photo.
Here it's "clear", I'm one happy and proud Mom!
So grateful to spend a little time celebrating together.  Love you Mike!  Hope to be together again for Thanksgiving. I just wanted to mention how great it is to have Kris and Penny so close.  We had a great time together, talked and laughed.  The girls, part fish, even got to use the pool.  Penny was so good, and at 6 hours in the car, was such a trooper.  Helped that the rental car we had also had a DVD player! Penny stayed awake the whole way there.  She didn't want to miss a thing.  Thanks honey for traveling another 300 miles after  the thousands of miles you flew for business these last few weeks. No surprise, all I have to say is "road trip" and my guy is all in! Thanks babe!

Thanks for stopping by and for your kindness always.  Enjoy this beautiful day!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Such a nice gift for Mike Penny . . .
Very nice indeed . . .
Where is Mike living . . .
He was in Michigan wasn't he?
I think I remember pictures with Mike and his girlfriend.
Maybe I have him confused with your other son.
One I know is getting married.
Happy family time the birthday must have been!