Buscia's rolling pin!
Every nationality has their dumpling, and here in English Valley we make Pierogi, Polish filled dumplings. It's a messy, labor intensive process. My Buscia, though in her 80's made them by the hundreds. This third generation, soft from an easy life granddaughter, made about 100, with the help of kind man. I have no recipe to follow, just the experience of seeing them made every year of my life that my Buscia and Mom shared with me.
When I was little, Buscia took over the kitchen for the day. We ate lunch at the dining room table. Occasionally the door to the kitchen would open and a billow of steam would escape. Buscia covered in flour, might say hello to us, but there was no time for chatting.
Crimping the edges, an important job, usually given to toddlers, though a kindly adult will suffice.
I filled all my pierogi with potato. It's the family favorite.
pierogi are boiled in salted water, till they float to the top. On Christmas Eve, I will fry them in butter and watch them
Another family tradition kept, remembered and cherished.
Wishing to remain anonymous, I'd like to thank ______ for his help and support!
Love you honey ;-)