On this date, many years ago... I received my very best Christmas present ever...our daughter, Kristen. She was born 9 days shy of Christmas, and I'll never forget the feeling of holding my sweet daughter under the sparkling lights of our Christmas tree, and wondering what the heck I was gonna do for the next 18 years... That's how little I knew then about being a Mom, like your job is done after 18 years! I've put in a few more years than those first 18, and I still have so much to learn and do. It was Kristen that first taught me about being a Mom. Now, Kristen will be a Mom soon, and I can't believe that my baby will have a baby of her own!
I love you so much Kristen, and so does Harry (what she disrespectfully calls her Dad;-) and your brothers love you too. Happy Happy Birthday dear Kristen, may all your dreams come true...Just like you made mine come true thirty something years ago. Love, MOM

Happy Birthday to Kirsten's MOM too!
Merry Christmas Penny . . .
How sweet. Happy Birthday Kristen. You have the greatest, kindest Mom.
Christmas babies are so sweet. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Like that she calls her dad Harry. Happy Holidays.
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