Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Shaking Off the Gloom

 Oh we've had a gloomy couple of weeks here in English Valley. 
 I've had nothing much to share except more snow photos.  
 I went into my archives to dig up some hints of Spring.
 These photos were taken in 2011. 
 I just had my son Jon help me bring in my glass table 
from the deck where it winters,
 so soon my dining room will have its springtime look.

 Lent starts next week, so Easter and it's bunnies and eggs are not that far away.

Might just be some cabin fever that has me thinking about spring...

 I need some green.  A trip to the local nursery might do the trick.

Maybe I should start some seeds for the garden. 
 The smell of the earth and growing things is good for my soul.

It's probably just February, one foot in winter, with the promise of spring.
I hope you enjoyed this moment of reverie.  
Enjoy this beautiful day my friends.


Lynne said...

Thanks for the "it is just around the corner" reminder!
Sunshine here today . . . it helps!
Four degrees this morning, it doesn't help . . .

Melanie said...

Spring? Did you say spring? Hooray! I had posted on FB today that I've heard a lot of birds chirping these past couple of days. I'm taking that as a message that they know better than we do - that spring is not too far off! Unless they're just crazy birds and don't know what they're doing. ;-) I'm certainly enjoying the little peeks of sun we're getting today. xoxo

Debby said...

I had lunch with my mother today. We exchanged Christmas gifts. The weather hasn't been cooperating for us to visit.
The news is just now showing the frigid weather heading our way and staying. Sounds just awful. I love winter but this cold isn't fun. We have had a couple days above freezing but it doesn't last. Since this was one of those days that it was above freezing and dry, so we both took off and met kinda in the middle. My ride is longer but after all she is almost 88. I am sure you will be getting it as well. Stay warm and keep those springy thoughts. We are getting ready to relist our house. Now, how do you do that in those temps.
My Mom said she saw a tree full of robins last week. That's a good sign.