We had a great time today my DH and I, visiting friends at 2 great sales. First we were on the farm,
Anne Marie's NaDa Farm. It was just amazing. So many beautiful things to see, arranged in a take your breath away setting. I wanted EVERYTHING. The beautiful hand painted pillows, the upholstered furniture, the aprons, antiques, there were literally dozens of things that I just loved. Then there was the Patisserie, filled with wonderful cookies, cakes and cinnamon rolls. It was obvious

these girls worked their hearts out to make this show dazzle. I walked away with a few beautiful items, and inspiration to last for quite a while. It was also so sweet to see Anne Marie and
again. We first met in February, at a Illinois
Bloggers Event. They are inspiring women, talented and so kind. Sorry I missed you
Joy, but I found the string, and bought 3 rolls. After our trip to the farm, we took off to

the sale at
Graue Mill in
Joan and
Heidi were there. Joan always has unique items, and I found several I had to have. It's so nice when Mr. English Valley gets to visit with Mr. Anything Goes Here. Joan and Fred are the nicest people, and fun to visit with at any show. Heidi was lovely as ever and her space was full of beautiful things. I was able to deliver some delicious cookies from the
NaDa sale, to Joan and Heidi, compliments of Jennifer. What a great day, and what special ladies these
bloggers are. We ended the day with a fire in the yard and talked about all the great things we saw and the people we visited. My husband is the best, so happy to make me happy. We drove around the countryside and enjoyed every minute together. What a blessing a day like today is, truly a gift. Enjoy this beautiful day.
Hi Penny! It was so great to see you again - and get your husband's expert advice (the files cannot be recovered - T6 deleted them - oh well)
I can't wait to display your lovely gift you gave me in my downstairs bathroom.....
thank you!!
Anne Marie
I am so glad you could come! It was great to see you again!!!!!! :) Jen
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