Melanie from Comfy House and I have not been friends for very long, but we made a connection from our first meeting and now have friendship that I cherish. We met for breakfast on Monday, when every part of me was saying no, don't go, except my heart that needed to see my friend.
We had a great conversation, a delicious breakfast and many warm hugs. It was just what I needed to get me back on the path to Christmas, and following my mantra for this holiday...
Don't get so wrapped up in the holiday hustle and bustle that you forget to enjoy yourself.
Melanie brought me so many beautiful gifts, but none as wonderful as a warm and loving heart, a friendship through thick and thin. Priceless treasures. Thank you Mel. I love you!
All the actual shopping I've done was in pit stops at the Cracker Barrels between here and Ohio. Boxes keep arriving at my door...the kids in NY shipping things for their new digs and for the holidays. With just two weeks to go, I should be more stressed out, but really I am not. I have had quiet evenings since my return where with the help of Pandora radio, a soothing background for my lists and thoughtful moments to remember what's most important. ..
God willing and the creek don't rise, ;-) we will be together on Christmas Eve. First time I will not be dreaming of a White Christmas. Oh to have all my chicks in the nest.
A candle shines from every window to welcome everyone home again.
Jean and Tom's cozy great room
I wanted to show you what our Guild did for our local Mental Health Center this Christmas. With funds from our treasury, we purchased gifts for 32 residents.
They will each receive a pretty Cracker Barrel shopping bag filled with goodies. A hand crochet edged throw, scarf, washcloth, toiletries, treats. These residents are often forgotten by family and friends. We've done this service project for several years. Everyone shops, a faithful few crochet each blanket edge for a home made touch, and our dear Jean and her sweet hubby Tom gather it all together and deliver the bags. Jean and Tom. what can I say.... Kinder and more generous people I have never met. They filled the director's office with the bags. I am so very proud of our small but mighty group. Spreading love this Christmas and everyday throughout our community. Love each and everyone of those girls!
Hope that all is calm and bright at your home. Be back soon my friends.
Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy this beautiful day.

It's so nice to have dear friends. How special to remember the ones you have chosen. Having a child with mental illness they are overlooked. Thank you and your friends for doing this. Xo
My dear friend...seeing you again the other day and being able to talk to you in person and receiving your warm, wonderful hugs made my entire week! My heart is so touched at what your Guild did for the people in the mental health center. I think that these people are sometimes overlooked...that those in the hospital (physical illness) are more likely to be remembered. When mental illness is just as important. God bless you and the ladies in your Guild for your compassion and generosity.
Such a beautiful golden person you are! Always thinking about giving, helping and giving more and more of your self.
Merry Christmas Penny . . . nice to hear about your friendship with Melanie!
Surely this is a site well worth seeing.
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