Friday, August 14, 2015

Winding Down

As summer slips away, I am drawn outside to savor the last treasures.  A hydrangea tucked into the arbor dried a beautiful bronze.
Sunflowers started from tiny seeds, growing and attracting a variety of bees and pollinators in big beautiful blooms.
 Another sunflower reaching for the sun, soon to open and thrill a small girl who helped plant it.
 It's getting crowded on this flower.
 My experiment in drying cone flowers.
I hung a huge bunch with some already dry hydrangeas.  I had a bountiful harvest of both this year.  What grew well for you this year?
I haven't been doing much thrifting this summer, but I found this quilted throw I just couldn't pass up.

The time is coming when the kids will come home and cozy up. This throw will be perfect. The joy I get from covering a sleeping child o mine is tremendous.  Yep, summer in winding down.

Have a great weekend my friends and enjoy this beautiful day.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

It sure is winding down here too.
Hot . . . VERY!
Looks like the cone flowers are drying beautifully!