Friday, December 27, 2013

Making Memories

We have had a wonderful Christmas to remember, with all my family together. Sweet moments, great laughs, quiet evenings, busy days. Family, children, food, fun...cookies!

I have spent all my time with Daniel Tiger's littlest fan, my sweet p., and have formed a bond that makes my heart swell. When a little person puts her head on your leg and says, "love you," well, what more could a grandma want?

The little house is a big hit, as are tea parties, helping grandma...grandma, grandma, grandma....Is there a sweeter word?

My greatest gift is time just hanging out with my family. Even if we all have colds, drippy noses, with snoring guys, and restless girls. Sharing soup and tea, swapping stories, running low on Kleenex and Claritin . Hugging all my kids over and over. Loving Grandpa, what a sweetheart.

It will be over in hours, and the house will be quiet... Can't think about that now.
Then, I'll get back to writing and visiting you my friends.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy this beautiful day!


Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Lynne said...

Love this Penny . . . you know "the real meaning." Colds and sniffles and all!

Debby said...

Oh Penny......I know saying good bye is so hard....just say see ya later.
I have the older version of that doll house for the kids to play with here. We have lost most of the parts but they use it with other things.
Sorry you all have the sniffles. It seems to spread a lot at the hoidays.
Our Mabel's favorite show is Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. How funny.
Can't wait to see the Penny pictures. (((((HUGS))))

Melanie said...

Glad you are having such a great time with your family! Sorry to hear you have another cold - ugh. Rest, vitamins, lots of water and tea! {hugs}