Friday, July 2, 2010

Hey There Little Red Riding Hood...

This cookie jar and accessories mean so much to me, we had a cabinet build in our kitchen especially for them. The cookie jar was my Mom's. I have a photo of her with it, when she was pregnant with me, that's a long time ago! Lil' Red is so cheerful, and holds so many happy memories. She NEVER holds cookies though, she is too dear for that. The fact that she survived my four brothers and myself and then my three and countless nieces and nephews, is quite an accomplishment. Someday my daughter will have it, and then her daughter, unless the Big Bad Wolf gets her first. ;-) Enjoy this beautiful day.

Thanks to Scrapologie for the vintage images.

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1 comment:

tikascm said...

Cherished memories are oh so important!!

Hugs & Safe 4th to you & Tyke