I crave time for creativity, and feel bad when I'm not accomplishing much. These are a couple of the projects I have going...the never ending shawl and a crochet edge on one of my pillowcases. My friend Barb sent me a link to someone who crochets edges on pillowcases. I told her about my Buscia, who embroidered and crocheted the edge of every pillowcase I ever slept on as a child. There are few new ideas, just revamping of old ones, don't you think? I always have a few pillowcases I've sewn, and thought I'd give it a try.
We had some big storms go through the Chicago area last night. We woke up to things knocked over, including our brand new gazing ball for the little bird's garden.
It was just a little dirty and didn't break!
Can't say the same about my arbor. This may be curtains for this one. We'll have to see if it can be saved. That bittersweet vine may have to go too.
Remember Gilda Radner, when she did Roseanne Rossannadanna... "Well, it just goes to show you, it's always something. If it ain't one thing, it's another!" ;-) That about sums it up around here...
Just another day at the Farm in the Willows, a romantic name for our home, right here in English Valley.
Sorry about the arbor and bittersweet. You must have had some high winds.
The pillowcase and edge looks fabulous. You are so talented my friend.
I always loved Roseanne! We were in the basement due to tornado warnings!
Your Mother and Buscia would be so proud of you!! You not only learned from them, you also carry on the tradition by passing on that knowledge. Love you, Pal.
I love the pillowcase edging but you have that cool tool that allows you to make the holes in the edge. I keep forgetting to look for one one the internet. I told the owner at the local quilt shop about it and she thought it was the coolest thing she'd ever heard of.
Yes, Roseanne Roseannadanna. My family used to call me Suzanne Suzannadanna! I also loved her other character Emily Litella. She used to babble on and on about something (usually a misunderstanding of words) and Jane Curtin would stop her and explain, to which she'd state, "NEVER MIND". HA.
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