A weekend update of sorts. We spent Friday and Saturday with the girls. So much fun. The little one was my constant companion. I called her the koala, she just wanted to be close, and that was fine with me. I only got sneezed on once, so there is hope I'll have the antibodies in my system to fight off whatever little germs they brought with them. I had many deep conversations with our five year old. She is wise and the best big sister. We watched Frozen twice..I still don't know how one sister got frozen...maybe when I got the apple juice, made the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cut into a flower shape...the cheese sticks, or changed a diaper, I must have missed a point in the plot. Having the girls warms my heart, but also makes me realize how very much I miss my sweet p. and how much of her life and snuggles I miss everyday.
On Sunday we got out for a short ride. The sky was so blue, but it was still cold.
When we walked at sunset, the temperature was 27 degrees....it took me a while to warm up.
I delivered a large bag of unwanted stuff to the thrift, but had to go inside to see if there was anything good.
I found 2 yards of this fun fabric. Brand new...doesn't it look like Where's Waldo?...
and two creamy dinner plates...
My thrifting bug was satisfied. Today a visit from Jon and Charlotte after their PT. They are starting to feel better, though Charlotte will be having surgery soon on her knee that was hurt in the accident.
I am fine, and have refrained from picking up anyone over 40 lbs.;-) I still have the cabinets to paint, but was sidetracked by looking for a pattern...I have looked in every file folder, notebook, project bag and binder to find this pattern. Google hasn't helped, nor my PC or I pad since my dearest showed me how to search them... It's a crochet pattern, and I won't give up till I find it...One of those things that's driving me crazy...or as my Dad would say, It's not a drive, it's a short putt. Wish me luck and enjoy this beautiful day.
We are to have cod temps and snow tonight. Not much though. Soon it will be warm. The sun is out but it is misleading. Sounds like you had fun with the little ones. Frozen was a good movie. Not sure that I paid much attention when I saw it as my grandson thought it was fun to yell out during the movie. He loves getting attention.
I know now that my other two grandchildren have moved home, I too think about the ones that I am missing out on. Not much we can do You can only visit so often. My daughter is so busy during the day and on the week-ends it is hard for her to even talk on the phone. Same grandson like to stop that as well. Good thing he is cute. I am going out in April. It will be my first visit with just one family since the other one is home. Should be different.
I am trying to rebound from the week-end. Sad one. Trying to get something accomplished. I feel lazy. Have a good week. xo
Sounds you enjoyed having little ones around. Love the Homer Laughlin plates you found. (Hey, that rhymes!) Enjoy your time with J&C today.
Loved the Daisy cheer . . . I imagine the little girl niece time does remind you of where or where is my little twinkle star . . . I hope soon you will be having some koala time with little P . . .
Sounds like you had a ball with the girls. Even my 12 year old wants to see Frozen! Love those plates! I've been trying to stay out of Goodwill....makes life just that much more boring though, I must say:)
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