Before the Easter Brunch preparations start, I wanted to mention how I spent last week. Dearest Hubby had to travel for work and dearest Daughter also had meetings to attend out of town. When Kris travels I always take grand daughter Penny. It gives Dad a break and gives me precious time with my babygrand. I had never taken care of Penny without Grandpa's assistance. I was downright nervous about the whole thing. I am always a bit nervous whenever my guy travels anyway.
Well, I drove into the city to pick up Penny and I have to say, from that moment, we had the very best time.
We did everything together, sleeping, eating, shopping and even napping. We had a mandatory quiet time in the afternoon, where we sat in Grandpa's big chair and snuggled. Pretty soon Penny was asleep in my arms and then I napped too. Penny's energy is endless, mine is fine for the activities of a 61 year old woman, but I had to keep up. We had so much fun, talked and joked. She may be just 3 years old, but there was never a lull in the conversation, and I occasionally got in a word or two. We had a great week and were so happy when Grandpa came home and then when we were able to pick up Mommy from the airport. I miss her, but Penny explained to me that she HAD to go home to be with her Mom and Dad, and reassured me that she would soon be back. O what fun we had!
So with hubby back home, we had to get out for a drive. The hardest part of last week was that my dearest had to leave early on Sunday. Sunday is OUR day, even if we hunker down at home we are always together.
Sunday was the day I start my wheat grass for Easter.
Line any container with plastic, throw in some potting soil and sprinkle some wheat grass seed on top of the soil,.(available at Whole Foods in the Bulk Food section.) I water a couple of times a day with a spray bottle until the the grass really takes off. Then you can use a watering can once the grass is growing.
I also did some pots that will go down the center of the dinner table.
I cover the seeds with plastic until the shoots start to emerge. By Sunday I will have beautiful pots of fresh green growing grass!
Spring is busting out all over. My curley willow has sprouted.
Looks very springy.
My terrarium is doing really well.
Thrifted this Williams- Sonoma towel and dishcloth.
I had to buy a new springform pan, the coating on my old one was coming off, and I had to line it in parchment paper, which took some time. I also looked everywhere for the edible Easter grass. I always use it under cakes and desserts for a pretty presentation. This year, twizzlers has it's own kind. I know my son in law Doug will love this.(Sweet tooth)
I scored some jelly jars for Kristen...
and this pretty throw for me. Friends and Family sale at the thrift, everything was 30% off.
Pretty print. I also got some pillowcase fabric.I forgot to photograph.
I went crazy and bought some new curtains for the living room and dinning room. I will spend today washing and hemming all six panels. I didn't spend much, $60 for both rooms. IKEA of course. Just a nice new look for spring and summer.
The fridge is stocked. I bought 6 dozen eggs! (I already had some!) I color one doz, unless I have help, then we color more, scramble 2 doz (for the brunch) more for all the casseroles, cheesecake and other baking, I may have a dozen or so eggs left over!
The banner is out to welcome the family home for Easter. Mikey and Amanda unfortunately won't be able to join us but it looks like we'll have a crowd. Miss that boy of mine and Amanda too.
One more thing, we drove around yesterday listening to Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell. I was feeling so nostalgic for my days with the Immaculate Heart of Mary's Young People's Choir. I spent my youth in Church, and the special Masses for Palm Sunday and Holy Week and Easter Vigil really makes me miss those golden olden days of my youth. . The smell of Easter lilies brings it all back. Since I don't have any recordings from those services, I listened to our choir album (yes, I have been recorded, one record, never made the charts;-) and then on you tube I found the complete albums from Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell. (Always a Lenten tradition) Through the magic of the iphone we drove through the country and listened. Remember the song Day by Day? Or the Hosanna from JC Superstar? I had tears a few times remembering Palm Sunday's of long ago.
Boy, I had a lot to say today, maybe it was just procrastination... Gotta go...Now to work!
God bless you all, Happy Easter and enjoy this beautiful day!