My favorite of all time, the musical Camelot, has a song, The Lusty Month of May.
" Tra la, it's May the lusty month of May
That lovely month when everyone goes blissfully astray..."
We had a cloudy and cold weekend, but this morning IT'S MAY!
No gray skies...
No shivering tulips...
Glorious sunshine, the little leaves are happy. (See that patch of purple? We stopped using any chemicals on the lawn as soon as Penny was born. Now we have a meadow. These tiny purple flowers cover a large portion of lawn and the bees are loving it. A quarter acre of paradise.)
Just glowing in the sun.
As John Denver once sang, "Everything that's cold and gray is gone!"
This might be a great year for roses They have buds and leaves to the very ends of the canes.
The hosta seem to have no ill effects from the late cold temps.
The white lilacs are putting on a show.
Just dripping in beauty.
From the tiniest little violet and dandelion,
To the apple tree next door...
It's May and I am twitterpated. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy this beautiful day.
I know, was today a beautiful day or what? Your flowers and plants really seem to be starting up. We've had daffodils and some flowering trees but that's all so far. Can't wait for my hydrangeas! Happy Spring! xo Kathy
Twitterpate away . . . so lovely it is . . .
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