Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Seven Years

 If you look at the header for my blog, you'll see what was then a random photo.  It was taken at a garden center in Wisconsin.  When I looked for a photo to represent my blog, where love is an endless season... I thought it was perfect.  I wouldn't be the kind of blogger that changes things for the seasons.  This photo was perfect for all seasons.  As time when on, this arbor became special to me.  I've talked about it before, but, at the time,  it was much too expensive to buy.  In the many years that followed, when we were able to purchase it, it was gone.  The search began.  Whenever we drove past a garden center, or visited one, I'd look for that arbor.  I told the rest of the story in a previous blog post.  We found the arbor, at a price we could afford.  I was giddy.  Fast forward to this weekend.  Our friend Chico was finally able to fit us into his busy summer schedule to install it.
 This is the before.  The bittersweet vine, on the left, was cut down last fall.  It had grown so strong and so heavy, that it took down our previous arbor.  On the right is a kiwi vine that fought for light and space.
 That bittersweet vine is beautiful, dense and strong.  It sent out giant roots across the footpath through the arbor.

 The vine itself was as thick as my wrist, and some of the roots were equally thick and not very cooperative.

This dynamic two man team worked so very hard clearing the roots and  temporarily removing the  the plants to make way for the huge posts needed to support the arbor and the vines. 
 Here's my sweetheart answering questions.
 The happy moment my arbor dream came true.
 Then came the sod.
 Chico takes a nice photo too.
 Once the sod has some time to take root, I will paint the posts and the arbor.

The vines were replanted directly behind the posts, and they will be trimmed each year so we don't have the same problems.  These posts are here for a very long time. 
 Chico said they will outlast us all. 
So this is the view from my front yard.   It looks like it belongs, like it was meant to be there.  

A big thanks to Chico and his helper.   They worked so very hard making this happen for us.
Most of all, thanks to my wonderful and generous husband.  He makes all my dreams come true, everyday.

The dream ticket.

 Penny came by for the last Camp Grandma of the summer.
We had some emotional moments when we tried to go to a local museum.  It had closed since we were last there.  Penny was so sad.  It was her "favorite place" and they closed it! So we headed to the apple orchard.  On the way I pointed out all the good things that can come, even when bad things happen.  Penny pointed out cows, a tank, a helicopter, and many horses.  Then we drove next to two women riding horses.  All Penny wanted was to ride a horse someday.  Funny how the universe sometimes gives us exactly what our heart desires... When we got to the orchard, they had ponies giving the children rides.  Penny got her magic ticket and was thrilled to ride the nicest and prettiest pony.  Penny's day was made and Grandpa was a hero once again.

We had a Labor Day end of summer cook out.  All my kids were there,except for our Amanda.  Charlotte's sweet niece Norah, came for a visit too.  I also invited brother Greg and Elizabeth but had not heard if they were coming.  As I was tending the grill, Greg and Betty aka, Elizabeth came out on the deck.  Greg said, "Come out front, I want to show you my new car." I went to the front and as I opened the door, standing there were my two nieces Teya and Charlotte, all the way from St. Louis! What a wonderful surprise! (Penny woke up that very morning telling me about a dream she had of her cousin Teya.  Penny didn't know it was Teya because she had not seen her in so long!) You can imagine the greeting those girls got from Penny, from all of us.  The best surprise ever! They played and hugged and laughed all day.  We took a break to watch the Beatles's movie Help.  Teya is all grown up and is now a Beatles's fan.  Elizabeth and Teya, even went to see Paul McCartney in concert this summer.   
Those girls are such a big part of our lives, and now that they live far away their visits are big events.
We cherish each and every moment.

Remember the skirt I posted last time.  Here it is.  I made two beautiful pillows from the fabric.
I used the same fabric on the back as I did for reupholstering the chairs

Today is Penny's first day of kindergarten.  This Grandma feels sad.  I always hated when school started, when I was the student, and then when my kids had to go.  Something about the fall is so melancholy.  Though, I have no regrets this summer.  We did everything we wanted and then some.
Just a feeling, missing the light, the fun, the concerts, the beach.  But, there are apples to pick, pumpkins to hunt, broom corn and Indian corn, gourds and cider. Fires and sweaters, falling leaves, baking and scented candles...Family and Friends...The HOLIDAYS.  I guess I'm gonna be ok;-)

Thanks for stopping by and for your friendship.
Enjoy this beautiful day.
Love, Penny

1 comment:

Lynne said...

WONDERFUL . . . no words . . .
Perfect location for your arbor . . .
Love, Love, Love . . .

(Question, did you remove all of the bittersweet so you could replant the Kiwi??)

I think Penny will really enjoy her school settings . . .
I bet she is far advanced though . . .
She has had such a wealth of experiences, one on one time plus
so many creative, imaginary chapters to strengthen her young life.
Is she reading already . . .