Thursday, June 16, 2011

Once There Were Green Fields...

Another obscure song reference for all you "folkies" out there. Yes, we have green fields once again. The weather that has been the scorn of every kid home on vacation, has been working it's magic on our new lawn.

It's been perfect for me, with a busy schedule this week and not much time for the garden. OUR DAUGHTER IS COMING HOME FOR A VISIT, a service night to prepare for and a top secret project that has a deadline that's sneaking up on me.

I'll have my nest filled, and nothing makes me happier.
This morning, I'm taking a moment to bask in the glory of these tiny blades of grass. Enjoy this beautiful day!

You didn't see the photos before, because I was over my limit with Google and had to purchase space!


Barb said...

Sahib...Kristen home for a visit. How lover having her home. Enjoy every minute...I know you will.

Barb said...

What is the first word in my comment? This iPad does strange things. Also love not lover. Sorry!