We were invited to Oktoberfest at Dot and Kev's. Dot goes all out, decorating and cooking up a storm of German goodness. So much preparation and work involved. It's always a good time and often cold and rainy, but this year it was just cold! Lucky for us the company was warm and inviting.
This little guy made the party for me. My friend Sue's grandson. Sue was generous sharing this little pumpkin. We polkaed in front of a fire in the yard and enjoyed the next generation of dear friends.
Jane and her handsome and sweet son. Jane is Sue's little sister and a wonderful dear friend since our grade school days. Jane's a grandma too. We talked grandchildren and retirement! Unbelievable! Seems we were just at a sock hop together and now... WOW
Had to take a photo of my cool new shoes! One day I was cleaning out a large metal basket I have in the foyer to collect shoes. They seem to multiply, especially at holiday time when everyone is home. Anyway, I find this pair of shoes and figure they must be Kris'. When I talked to her, she said, " I left them for you!". Kris bought them at a great price and then when they didn't fit she couldn't return them. WooHoo, new pair of fashionable shoes for Mom! They fit like a dream, thanks again Kris.
Our hostess and a random handsome guy.
You gotta have friends...I am so grateful for a lifetime of the best friends.
The long and winding road that leads to a...
Barn Sale at Heritage Beam and Board.
The perfect day for a ride in the country. I confess, we didn't buy a thing this year, but seeing all the amazing furniture, beautiful vintage treasures and the wonderful displays and vignettes was inspiring.
I asked my sweetheart if we could raise our roof... Oh the things I have to hang from a beam! I was also able to share a photo of how we displayed a sign we had purchased at last year's sale.. Everyone at HBB is very friendly, so worth a ride. I hope that they have a Christmas sale like last year. If I hear about one I'll post it here.
Just for posterity.. .I talk to my grand daughter on facetime everyday. This weekend while saying goodbye, sweet p. yelled to me, "I love you baby girl!" All I can say is, Niagara Falls. I was a puddle. She is such a big girl now, with a sense of humor and big vocabulary and great ideas. Now calling me baby girl is her funny thing, but I'll never forget the first time she shouted it out, sigh... Love isn't a big enough word for how I feel about my "baby girl."
We made two other stops that I will show and tell you about very soon. I'm gonna try to take this October slow and sweet and savor every delicious minute. I suggest that you, dear friends, try and do the same.
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy this beautiful day.
Sounds like you have had some really happy times/ lately. Fall is such a fun time. So sweet of Baby P. It's so nice you can skype with her . My daughter's house is nightmare when I call. It's just crazy busy.
You take care my friend. Hugs
Glad you had such a lovely weekend! Did hubby agree to let you raise the roof in your house so you can hang things from the rafters? ;-)Lucky you for inheriting a brand new pair of shoes from your daughter...and lucky you wear the same size! Me and my mom could never do that...I wear an 8 - 8-1/2 and she only wears a 4-1/2 or 5! Yes, she has to sometimes shop in the children's section or order shoes online. Aww, that was so cute what your little Sweet P yelled out to you! She must've heard that phrase somewhere and decided to try it out on grandma. I just took some pictures of some fall things around my house including your beautiful gifts, and I'm going to construct a blog post now with these photos. xoxo
I've always wanted to celebrate Oktoberfest properly ~ being a beer afficianado and all:) My husband is even German, so maybe some day......can't believe that fall has finally set in. Went to "Wayne Day" on Saturday (a yearly tradition) and we froze our tails off! But it was fun anyway! Wish I could go to more barn sales...sigh. But time and the pocketbook don't permit:) Enjoy!
Loved this post P . . .
The "love you baby girl" put me in a "puddle" too!
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