A couple of weeks ago, Kathy the lovely and talented blogger from Charm Bracelet Diva, At Home, invited me to her annual Easter Egg Hunt. I met Kathy over a year ago at a bloggers event, and then shopped the NaDa farm sale with her, later that year. We met Fifi O'Neill together, and I met Kathy's wonderful hubby when he posed in the well remembered photo of Tom and "Flat Barb," my friend from Babs just a Babblin' who couldn't attend. ( I made a "flat Stanley" out of sweet Barb's photo and she came along...Fifi even autographed her for me!) Luckily Kathy and Tom were kind and fun loving, and went along with my foolishness. A friendship was formed.
Off we went to Kathy and Tom's beautiful home in the county. Their yard is huge and park like. The perfect place for a Easter Egg Hunt! We brought along our little bird, who was so excited to go to an egg hunt. The sun came out just as we arrived, and it turned into a beautiful day!
Kathy and Tom are the best hosts. They welcomed us, introduced us and made us feel like old friends.
The whole production was generous, abundant. Prizes, prizes and more prizes. Delicious food and desserts. Our three year old little one got right into the thick of things, and choose a panda bear as her prize. (That was after she had filled a large basket with prizes.) She played with that panda all afternoon and went home tired and happy with the panda still in her little arms.
This is the best part of blogging, becoming friends!
Thank you dear Kathy and Tom for the great fun, great food and wonderful hospitality. Oh and one more thing...Kathy's home is beautiful, with so many creative touches...warm and welcoming, just like her. Check out her blog, and you'll see! Off to plan our Easter celebration. Enjoy this beautiful day my friends.This is the best part of blogging, becoming friends!

It really does look like a park! Glad you had a good time.
You're right, Penny, the best part IS the friendships! We're so glad you all had a good time. It really was a great day. Thanks for sharing it with us! p.s. can't wait to use my CitraSolv!
how nice Penny! Kathy is so nice, and I'm so glad you two are friends. Looks like a wonderful afternoon together!!
can you believe little Daniel turned one this weekend??
hope all is well with you -
God bless,
Anne Marie
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